I'm trying to figure out what comes next for me... My dear friend Blaze, who is an amazingly creative artist and has an awesome blog, recently posted about the 25 things she wants to do before she turns 25, and challenged me and her other closest friends to do the same. I have only about 10 months until I turn 25, which is kind of crazy, but I love making lists and maybe thinking of 25 things to do within the next 10 months will help me to think about what I want to do...
In no particular order:
1. Find a place to live in Seattle
2. Buy a bike
3. Take the GRE
4. Find a grad school program that I fancy and apply to it
5. Find an internship that is relevant to my career interests
6.Climb Mt. Baker, Mt. St. Helens, and Glacier (I hope at the least)
7. Acquire my own ice axe and crampons
8. Run the Seattle Half Marathon in November with Chris, Jamie, Christye, Brooke, and anyone else I forgot
9. Get within 5 feet of a mountain goat
10. Subscribe to a scholarly magazine, such as The Economist
11. Go to Bend (I hear it’s pretty cool…)
12. Learn how to bake a good pie
13. Learn how to drive a manual
14. Learn how to cook my mom’s most delicious Indian foods
15. Take the train to Portland to see Danny and Alison
16. Play the Bean Game (aka Bonanza) with Ben and Sarah, maybe even with the extended version
17. Compete in Fall, Winter, and Spring ultimate Frisbee leagues
18. Send a package to Leah and Leisha in Dodoma (hopefully SOON)
19. Make a picture album of my year in Tanzania
20. Share with my congregation about volunteering with Mennonite Central Committee
21. Join a small group/ get more involved at Seattle Mennonite
22. Get in contact with a few special friends from high school (it’s LONG over due…)
23. Visit Sarah and Blaze in Colorado and hike some 14ers with my best hiking buddy
24. Plan a trip to go to Cambodia to see Auntie Dora
25. Have a Thanksgiving meal in the U.S. of A. with my family for the first time in 2 years